
Our business began just before the Covid pandemic, when the industry hit highs no one had ever witnessed prior. Needless to say, it was a fast rise, which felt like an intense blessing, but also a quick introduction to the surrounding neighborhoods where we live and work. Despite the whirlwind start, at the heart of this company are two people who love the process, the smell of lumber, and the transformation of it into something so beautiful it takes your breath away. At the end of the day we dearly love this job and hope that our passion for this business comes through in the way we build your home. Thank you for considering us for your project.

our offerings

The first step in any project is making your ideas come to life through architecture. We help you find the right architect for your taste and your budget. We ensure the architect is designing towards the true north; your budget. With plans complete, we immediately start the bidding process with our trades to ensure the final budget is as real as possible. We take what we’ve heard you want in a home and put numbers to it! We engage the engineer, providing them our building specifications, to ensure their work meets our expectations. And finally, we get all of the permits needed to build your home.

Preconstruction Management

Project Management and Supervision

Every job needs a quarterback and that is the project manager. Their number one job is to be your advocate. They recognize that time wasted is money wasted. They help you stay ahead of decisions that need to be made and ensure you are receiving the best value without compromising quality. We utilize a robust construction management software which you will be able to use to liaise with your PM regularly, outside of scheduled job site client walks.

Every home we work on has a job site superintendent. Their job is to take your vision and build it. They ensure that the job site is orderly, the trades have the material they need to build exactly what you want, and manage the logistical challenges to keep jobs moving.

At Bean Co. Homes we value the idea that your home can be exactly as you wish. We give you a chance to have a say in every decision, small and large, throughout the entire process. We often hear from clients “I had no idea I’d get to pick all of this!” Designers are a key element to ensuring that your selections reflect your lifestyle, personal preferences and long term goals for our home. Not only was Bean Co. Homes built with a design-centric philosophy but we pride ourselves on being able to handle even the most complicated challenge handed down from our network of both in-house and local designers. Thoughtful design choices set us apart from our competitors.

Design Selections

What sets Bean Co. apart is both our process and our team of professionals.  Our carefully designed process walks clients from their first meeting with our team to their first night in their new home, one step at a time.  Leading clients through the entire process is our team of professional builders and designers, all of whom are committed to serve our clients through their experience and their commitment to customer service.  

One step at a time